Commencement of Joint Demonstration Test of Floating-type Perovskite Solar Cells

  • 積水化学工業
  • エム・エムブリッジ
  • 恒栄電設

  关井化工有限公司.有限公司. (President: Keita Kato; hereinafter “SEKISUI 化学”) announces that it commenced a joint demonstration test to install film-type perovskite solar cells on the surface of a swimming pool in Kita-ku, 东京与我的桥.有限公司. (President: Masahiro Ikeura; hereinafter “MM BRIDGE”) and KOEI-D有限公司.有限公司. (President: Eiji Kobayashi; hereinafter “KOEI-D”) on 4月il 3, 2024.

1. 联合论证试验背景

  As the decarbonization of energy is required to realize a decarbonized society by 2050, film-type perovskite solar cells are seen as a promising option to expand the introduction of renewable energy. 它们轻巧灵活, enabling 安装 in a variety of locations at various sites where it is difficult to install conventional silicon-based solar cells.

  SEKISUI 化学 has created a 30 cm-wide roll-to-roll manufacturing process utilizing its original “sealing, 膜的形成, 材料与工艺技术,,并证实了相当于10年的户外耐用性, which is said to be critical to the development of film-type perovskite solar cells. 此外, this manufacturing process has been successfully used to produce film-type perovskite solar cells with a power generation efficiency of 15.0%. Development is being accelerated to further improve durability and power generation efficiency, 以及建立1米宽轧辊的制造技术.

  MM Bridge is a comprehensive engineering company involved in the design, 制造, 安装, 以及桥梁和海岸建筑物的维护和修理. It has been actively pursuing initiatives toward SDGs and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 as a company that supports social infrastructure. 作为这些努力的一部分, MM Bridge has been engaged in its own unique environmental conservation activities and clean energy development, including a coral reef restoration project that applies anti-corrosion technology to coastal structures as well as the development of wave-power generation technology. MM Bridge has decided to participate in this joint demonstration test for the 安装 of floating-type perovskite solar cells based on the belief that film-type perovskite solar cells can be introduced on water and at sea by utilizing expertise in the structural design of floating structures and mooring methods it has inherited from its predecessor, 三菱重工, 有限公司.

  KOEI-D has been actively implementing initiatives toward decarbonization through the ownership of domestic solar power generation facilities and the 安装 of solar power generation equipment in its own buildings. 作为一家致力于实现净零二氧化碳目标的公司2 emissions declared by Tokyo’s Kita-ku, it is proposing a concept to achieve CO2 emission reduction based on the theme of local production for local consumption together with the Kita Branch of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. KOEI-D has decided to participate in this joint demonstration test based on the belief that useful data can be gathered through the test to install floating-type perovskite solar cells, including the measurement of elemental data unique to the water environment and floating structure, by introducing the measurement and control system it has developed that can customize measurement data elements and load control.

2. 联合演示测试细节

  Traditional floating-type solar power generation systems installed on the surface of water have had issues in areas such as the configuration of the floating structure to support the weight of the solar cells and mounts as well as 和易性. 因此, 为了验证这些问题, floating-type perovskite solar cells have been installed on the surface of a closed school swimming pool in Kita-ku, 东京展示浮动结构, 和易性, 从4月3日起为期一年的发电业绩.
  This is the first demonstration test of floating-type perovskite solar cells in 日本.


3. 未来的发展

  The three companies will establish a method for introducing renewable energy to water-based assets through this demonstration with the goal of contributing to a decarbonized society by utilizing various types of water-based assets.


SEKISUI化学株式会社总部位于日本.有限公司. (TSE: 4204)及其子公司组成了娱乐大发澳门赌博平台. 26,000 employees in over 180 companies throughout 21 countries and regions aim to contribute to improving the lives of the people of the world and the earth’s environment. 这要归功于创新的历史, 奉献和开拓精神, SEKISUI 化学 now holds leading positions in its three diverse 业务 divisions as well as top global market share in interlayer film, 泡沫产品, 导电颗粒等.
自1947年成立以来, the SEKISUI 化学 Group has dedicated itself to social and environmental contribution and is now an internationally recognized leader in sustainability and environmental initiatives, having recently been selected as one of the 全球 100 most sustainable companies. SEKISUI 化学 Group will continue to maintain a strong corporate presence for 100 years and beyond.




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